Created in memory of Alexander "Technoblade" is an organization that strives to help young people find their voice and realize their dreams. Following Alex's death, his father, known online as "Mr. Technodad" connected with the enormous community that had grown up around his son. They were grieving, yet they were full of energy and ideas about how to enact change in their own worlds. After talking to a number of young people in the community he and his wife, Stacey Street, partnered with the Sarcoma Foundation to launch the One of Us Global Foundation. Through mentorship, scholarship, and global networks of support and community, Technodad and Stacey aspire to help young people across the globe follow in Alex’s footsteps by giving them the tools, resources, and personal empowerment to change the landscapes of their worlds just as Technoblade did.
Our foundation’s values are Love, Hope, Courage, and Wholeness.
Our foundation team wants to center these principles in our culture, processes, policies and procedures: Youth-centered, Trust, Collaboration, Open Communication, Experimentation.
The One of Us Global Foundation envisions a world and society where all are empowered and equipped to actualize the best versions of themselves in order to ensure that our planet and every person on it can thrive.
The One of Us Global Foundation strives toward breaking down social and economic barriers facing young people and building a global community where people are connected and diversity is celebrated, through mentorship, scholarship, mental and physical wellness, and authentic connections. We believe that if young people are sufficiently resourced and empowered to tap into their creativity, they can generate the solutions to our world’s problems, so all people everywhere and our planet can flourish.